The values of what we have

 The values of what we have

Girls setting under the sun at the 37 degrees Celsius are taking their University admission exam in Afghanistan. Full time of pandemic they keep their distance, sitting on the naked ground, bearing the heat from the top and surface of ground, all they focused on answering questions. They have a dream in common, keep studying, educating, moving forward and changing the situation. 

They are not afraid of anything, not even of the risks of attacks whose victims are 40 % women and children, let alone let themselves be blocked by fear of coronavirus or by threats of extremists. Some of them breastfeed their baby in this hot weather, while they write the answers with their pen. 

They know that the only important thing to overcome rampant sexism and religious fanaticism and every type of problem is education. Many have arrived from a far areas, to Daikundi Province where the general test takes place. Participants numbers are reach to 500, in such a poor Province; a mother accompanying her daughter proudly expresses all her hope that the girl will be admitted, after fighting with her family who did not accept her choice of study. The numbers of eligible students are decided by the government, based on the percentages alotted to each Province, so merit and personal skills take second place. 

Often we the humans don't know the value of many things that we have and seem obvious to us, e.g; education, but also the air we breathe, the earth, the nature around us, the light, dark, sun, moon, and the various colors, the being alive, the people who stand by us with honesty and simplicity, who support us and trust us. We often seek new and different ideas and things, sometimes useless, in return we lose more precious goods, even people who until they come out of our horizon, we don't realize their importance.

 All these girls in Afghanistan through their study also hope to find their identity, a name, they who lost for centuries are the sister of... or daughter of... almost that their name doesn't exist. For all of them studying is not simply knowing thing that how to read and write, having a job in the future, but much more. This very touching image tells us about their strength, courage, openness to the future and can also be teaching for many of us, that "IF WE REST WE RUST, IF WE WORK WE SHINE AND IF WE SHINE THE WORLD GIVES US CREDIT".


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