Famous Afghan Conqueror

Famous Afghan Conqueror 

 Darius was the first great Afghan conqueror. Darius conquered Afghanistan in 550 BC and came from Iran.

 Alexander the Great was the second great Afghan conqueror. Alexander the Great conquered Afghanistan about 330 BC and overthrew Darius. Alexander the Great came from Greece. After the death of Alexander the Great, his general Seleucus occupied Afghanistan. He also proved to be a great Afghan ruler and conqueror of his time. Selex was also Greek.

 Davidson-I was also a great Afghan conqueror who conquered Afghanistan by defeating Seleucus in 250 BC. Davidson-I also came from Greece. His rule was overthrown by the Yuzhri tribes. Who defeated Greece and occupied Afghanistan. These great Afghan conquerors came from China. This is about 130 BC.

 Then again some Afghan conquerors came from Iran but they were all defeated by the new great Afghan conqueror Chandra Gupta Moria who defeated all and conquered Afghanistan. A few Gupta Morias came from Punjab.

 Gautami Patra Sakrani was also a great Afghan conqueror. He came from India, present day Deccan city and ruled Afghanistan for a while. This was about 100 years after Christ.

 Then the great Afghan conqueror Gandfur conquered Afghanistan. He belonged to Iran.  This was also the age of 100 years after Christ.

 He was succeeded by the great Afghan conqueror Kojolo KadiFes, who conquered Afghanistan and established the Kushan Empire here. This great Afghan victory was also ethnic Chinese. The Kushan Empire, which occupied Afghanistan, was overthrown by the great Afghan conqueror Shahpur-I. Shahpur-I came from Iran who founded the Sassanid Empire here in Afghanistan. According to many historians, Shahpur Awal is the king during whose reign the word "Abgan" was first used for the inhabitants of the region. This was the year 270.

 The end of the Sassanid Empire came from Central Asia and the conquest of Afghanistan was at the hands of the tribes.

 For hundreds of years, Afghanistan has been sandwiched between the great Iranian Afghans and the Central Asian Afghan conquerors. That Islam appeared in the year around 500 A.D. The Arabs conquered Iran as well as many parts of Afghanistan. It was the time of the Sahaba or Tabein who conquered the region and spread Islam, but in Afghanistan they faced a serious problem in this regard.

 According to many historians, the Arab Mujahideen spread Islam in the Herat and Sistan regions of Afghanistan. The government would hand over the locals.  But as their control waned, locals (Afghans) would return to their old beliefs.

 The Muslim Arab conquerors overthrew the Hindu Shahi government in Afghanistan, which was the government of the famous Afghan Hindus and came from present-day India.

 The Arabs lost control of Afghanistan and established a great independent state in Afghanistan at the hands of the famous great Afghan conqueror Sabuktagin. Which occupied the whole of Afghanistan. Sabuktagin was Turkish. It was the 970's.

 Who doesn't know the great Afghan conqueror named Mahmoud Ghaznavi. Nor is it necessary to say what he did to India. Mahmud Ghaznavi was the son of Sabkatgin and was of Turkish descent.

 The great Afghan-Turkish empire, Mahmud Ghaznavi, was overthrown by another great Afghan conqueror, Shahabuddin Ghauri, who spoke Pashto and was ethnic Tajik. It was around 1200 A.D.

 Afghanistan was then conquered by the great Afghan conqueror Changez Khan. Who established his government in Afghanistan. Changez Khan was a Mongol. This was the period of 1220.

 The great Afghan rulers Jalaluddin Khilji and Allauddin Khilji also conquered parts of Afghanistan for some time. The Khiljis were ethnic Turks and their capital was Delhi.

 After the Mongols, Afghanistan was conquered by the famous Afghan conqueror Timur. Timur came from Central Asia and was of Turk Mongol descent.

 Afghanistan was re-conquered in 1540 by the great Afghan conqueror Babar. Babar was also a descendant of Timur. Timur and Babar both came from Uzbekistan.

 The famous Afghan conqueror Ibrahim Lodhi also ruled Afghanistan for some time. He was a Pashtun and had come from Multan to conquer Afghanistan.

 Then, in 1730, the famous Afghan conqueror, Nadir Shah Durrani, invaded Afghanistan and crushed the Hotakis who had revolted against Iran. Nadir Shah had come from Iran.

 Afghanistan was ruled by the famous Afghan conqueror Ahmad Shah Abdali or Ahmad Shah Durrani after 1750. He was ethnically Pashtun and was born in Multan.

 Samuel Brown was also a famous Afghan winner.  He defeated the Afghan rulers in 1890 and made them his benefactors. He was from England.

 Mikhail Gorbachev was also a great Afghan conqueror. He was from Russia. Mikhail Gorbachev occupied Afghanistan with the help of 500,000 troops. It was the 1980's.

 The last attack after that was carried out by the president of America George W. Bush and in 2001 he invaded Afghanistan and destroyed it brick by brick. He was from the United States.  This is the last Afghan victorious ruler on this list.



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